These Guys Made a Hard Sided Camper For Your Bike

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BikeCamper by Dangie Bros
Source: Dangie Bros

Have you ever thought about bikepacking? What about bike camping? One YouTube duo decided to create their own bike camper and take it on a 100-mile road trip in California. Let’s look into their creation, the challenges they faced, and if they achieved their goal of reaching the Santa Monica Pier!

Pro Tip: Check out this article on How to Plan an Epic Camping Trip with Your Friends before setting off on your next adventure!

What Is Bikepacking?

Bikepacking is a combination of biking and backpacking. Instead of hiking to your destination, you bike. This type of camping allows adventurers to get off the beaten path farther and faster. Bikepacking requires you to carry your essential gear, which includes sleeping equipment, a cooking kit, and food. Bikes must be off-road capable to handle the rugged terrain.

Some bikepacking adventures are just overnight excursions, while others last multiple days. The longer your trip, the more supplies you’ll need and the longer you’ll have to travel with your gear. Keep that in mind when planning a backpacking expedition. Regardless of how far you plan to pedal, bikepacking is about heading to the less traveled places via trails and dirt roads to connect with nature and experience diverse landscapes.

A bike standing next to a small green tent in the mddle of a grassy area with trees behind it.

Who Are the Dangie Bros?

Chris and Jeff are the Dangie Bros, social media influencers who share their crazy adventures. Their YouTube channel has over seven million subscribers, their Instagram account has over 123,000 followers, and their Facebook account has over 974,000 followers.

The Dangie Bros started posting videos five years ago about their challenges and experiments. They’ve shared videos using random objects as sleds, seeing who could remain buried in the sand the longest, and spending a night in their haystack apocalypse bunker. Over the years, these video creators have created a community that loves to watch what they come up with next. Most recently, the Dangie Bros shared a video of how they built a fort with one million wooden pallets.

What Is the Dangie Bros Hard-Sided Bike Camper?

In May 2023, Chris and Jeff shared a YouTube video about how they built a one-of-a-kind bike camper and attempted to travel 100 miles. They were inspired by a Japanese man who makes bike campers as works of art. They set out to discover if they could build a bike camper that could actually function.

Their hard-sided bike camper looks like a truck camper with a rear entry door. It’s an upside-down L-shaped camper that sits on a platform on the back of a 3-wheeled bicycle. It has everything necessary for an overnight trip – a sink with running water, a propane stove, a place to sleep, a solar panel, and electricity.

Where Did the Dangie Bros Take Their Hard-Sided Bike Camper?

Jeff started the journey on the bike, but he was tired about ½-mile in. So, Chris got out and pushed from behind. The 500-pound camper wasn’t easy to tote around. The guys wanted breakfast at Starbucks, which was five miles away. Unfortunately, they didn’t arrive until 3 p.m. after some mishaps on their short journey.

Post Starbucks stop, Chris took the bike seat, and Jeff rode in the rear camper. It took seven hours to ride just six miles. They tried to stop for the night in a neighborhood, but it seemed sketchy, so they pedaled three more miles to Walmart.

The next morning, the Dangie Bros purchased a second bike and a rope at Walmart before hitting the bike trail. They connected the second bike to the bike with the camper for a tandem pedaling adventure. But this only lasted a few miles before it became too challenging. Although Jeff and Chris aimed to make it 100 miles, they only traveled 25.2 miles. Jeff shared, “I feel like we gave it our all…We made it quite a far distance.”

One of the Dangie Bros inside the BikeCamper with a small vanity behind him.
Source: Dangie Bros

What Problems Did the Dangie Bros Experience On Their Road Trip?

Jeff got too close to the curb and damaged a rear tire early on. The camper was also damaged when they tried to fit through a small space with fencing and pedaled underneath low-lying tree branches.

But the main problem was the difficulty pedaling with a 500-pound hard-sided camper on the back. The Dangie Bros thought the second bike purchase would be helpful, and it was, but only until they faced a strong headwind around mile 17. They could only complete 25.2 miles of their 100-mile journey in two days.

The Dangie Bros inside the BikeCamper bed.
Source: Dangie Bros

What Modifications Did the Dangie Bros Do After the First Road Trip?

In September 2023, the Dangie Bros decided to fix the problems from their initial road trip to complete all 100 miles. They completely took apart the bike camper. The first problem they tackled was the weight distribution. The camper would tip over backward if the jack stands weren’t down. Forty percent of the weight was on the front of the bike, while 60% was on the back. They moved the axle back so the center of gravity was in a better location.

The second main problem was figuring out how to pedal uphill with a 500-pound camper. Dozens of subscribers commented that they should add an electric motor. And that’s just what the Dangie Bros did. A battery powered it and gave them plenty of speed to travel up those difficult inclines on the road trip.

Jeff and Chris also put on fat tires and increased the camper’s size so they could have more interior space. Other upgrades were the exterior paint scheme, insulation, and windows. These changes would make overnight travel more comfortable for the Dangie Bros. Once the 2.0 camper was done, Jeff and Chris headed out on their second attempt to reach the Santa Monica Pier.

The Dangie Bros Bike Camper 2.0 in a parking lot.
Source: Dangie Bros

Did the Dangie Bros Make It To the Santa Monica Pier In Their Bike Camper?

The main challenge the Dangie Bros had on their second road trip was they got a flat about halfway into their journey. They visited a nearby bike shop and purchased two new tires to get them back on the road the following day. It was a good idea to buy two tires because they got another flat later.

At mile 48, Jeff and Chris made it to Newport Beach. They were determined to continue to the Santa Monica Pier, and eventually, they did reach their destination with the bike camper! Jeff said, “This thing proves that you can take it on a road trip.”

Would you take the Dangie Bros’ bike camper on a road trip?

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