Jason & Rae Miller

2489 posts
We're Jason and Rae Miller the founders of Getaway Couple! We provide daily content covering all aspects of camping from the smallest tent stake to the largest luxury RV. We've been camping for over 30 years and love to share our knowledge with you on this blog on our YouTube channel. We also write for RVSnappad.com, HWY.co, and are correspondents for the RV Show USA radio show. If you're looking for a little more structured learning on RVing, you can also find us as course instructors on RVMasterclass.com. If you are looking for a winter snowbirding destination you may enjoy our book Snowbird Travel Guide: Arizona
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Top 10 Things to do in Rhode Island

Rhode Island is the smallest state by square miles in the entire United States of America. Despite its…
Top 10 Connecticut
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Top 10 Things to do in Connecticut

Connecticut may be a small state in New England but surely a fascinating one. With so many attractions…
Top 10 places to see in Pennsylvannia
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Top 10 things to see in Pennsylvania

History is what makes visiting Pennsylvania a unique experience. This nation was born in Philadelphia, saved at Gettysburg…
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RV Storage Ideas for the Kitchen

Well, it finally happened. After full-time RV living for ten months, I was fed up with how unorganized…
The best RV Tire air compressor
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The Best RV Tire Air Compressor

The Viair 450P is hands down the best RV tire air compressor on the market. It will be…
RV GPS - How to avoid low bridges
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Let CoPilot RV GPS Be Your Guide

2020 Update: We now use RV Life GPS which is bundled with our RV Trip Wizard subscription. When…
Getaway Couple Jason Miller adding gum to famous seattle gum wall
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Leaving our Mark in Seattle, WA

Seattle, WA We made it to Seattle from Portland where we spend last week! This week was spent with…