Jason & Rae Miller

2543 posts
We're Jason and Rae Miller the founders of Getaway Couple! We provide daily content covering all aspects of camping from the smallest tent stake to the largest luxury RV. We've been camping for over 30 years and love to share our knowledge with you on this blog on our YouTube channel. We also write for RVSnappad.com, HWY.co, and are correspondents for the RV Show USA radio show. If you're looking for a little more structured learning on RVing, you can also find us as course instructors on RVMasterclass.com. If you are looking for a winter snowbirding destination you may enjoy our book Snowbird Travel Guide: Arizona
A motorhome is parked under palm trees beneath a bright orange and yellow sunset sky.
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12 Excellent Florida Good Sam Campgrounds

Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! With so many fantastic camping opportunities to choose from across the state,…